• Jesus - I think regardless of religious beliefs, most everyone would like to talk to him. For me it would have spiritual significance too.
  • Dorothy Parker - I aspire to be as witty as Ms. Parker. I love the way she wrote and observed life. I think she would just provide the best dinner party conversation.
  • Socrates - It is a point of historical record that this man told great stories at dinner parties. He would also be a great refferie for any heated arguments that might arise.
  • Aubrey Beardsley - This man is my very favorite illustrator of all time. Judging by his drawings, he had an amazing sense of humor. I would keep plenty of napkins at hand so that he could make hilariously, obscene doodles.
  • Dwight Schrute - Fictional characters count, and I can't imagine a scenario in which he wouldn't ...
sep 17 2008 ∞
sep 17 2008 +