• it (via social networking sites) encourages "keeping up with the joneses", conformity + peer pressure
  • it encourages stalking and (sometimes) jealousy (in relationships)
  • people are forgetting how to communicate human-to-human
  • it's a monumental time-waster
  • i am addicted to twitter and need detox
  • it's changed people's expectations, leading them to believe immediate satisfaction is how the world should work
  • people (including me) spend too much time indoors on their computers when they could be out with friends
  • feeling bombarded by too many emails with not enough time to respond to all the ones i want to respond to. i always flag them to return to/respond to later, but it's a terrible feeling. i have so many unread emails, i'll never completely catch up.
jan 27 2010 ∞
mar 7 2010 +