• 2.13.10 the following facebook message from "creepy guy":

"Hi Simone, How did I miss you at the L.A. Street Food Fest? I thought for sure you'd be there! How's your Archives paper coming?"

OK - first of all, i never discussed the LA Street Food Fest (nor my obsession with food trucks) with him, and i can only guess that he ascertained that i would be there from the fact that 1) i became a fan on facebook and 2) commented that i couldn't wait for it (after ari left a comment to that effect on my page). NOT COOL. such a fb stalker. the thought of him getting to the event early and looking for me there is even worse. (and i know he must have gotten there early because it was too packed to get in later in the afternoon!)

feb 16 2010 ∞
mar 3 2010 +