A - adhesives
- tape (masking, scotch, electrical, duct), glue (gun, stick, super)
B - baubles
C - cosmetics
- homemade makeup ingredients/utensils
D - dyes
E - elastics
F - flora & fauna
- silk flowers, feathers, fur
G - glitz & glam
- glitter, sequins, rhinestones
H - hair
- homemade product supplies, dried herbs
I - ink
- writing, ink pads, stamps
J - jewellery
- beads, clasps/closures, chains, wire, stones
K - knitting & crochet
- needles, hooks, yarn needles, stitch markers
L - leftovers
M - modelling
N - needlework
- needles, thread, Aida, sewing machine extras
O - oils
- essential oils, coconut, jojoba
P - pen to paper
- paper, paperclips, pens, pencils, envelopes, stamps
Q - quilting
- squares, batting, polyfill
R - ribbon
- ribbons, rick rack, edging
S - soap
T - torches & tapers
U - utility belt
- scissors, plyers, wire cutters, hand saw, hammer
V - vestments
W - watercolours
X - extraneous
Y - yarn
Z - zippers
- I have nothing else for z...
jan 31 2013 ∞
apr 22 2014 +