• For everything I overlook, I'm driven away. Peace is put on hold. It takes one to care to want peace, but it takes less to reject it.
  • I haven't minded what isn't home inside, but it's my dysfunctional home. I end up traveling far, screaming and shouting, but with just echoes, it's too much to bother anymore.
  • My head is the perfect storm.
  • Hold it in.
  • Blow up.
  • Throw it all out.
  • I don't care. I can hold it against myself all I want. I can rage and lash out and be that whiny two year old we all know we are at heart.
  • My nights are divided, as well as my being.
  • I tug my hair to the opposite side for something new and that's as crazy as it gets.
  • I'll debate and be so sure I'm right. I'll present my evidence and win, but I really lost because almost instantaneously, I gain a different perspective.
  • Equal hemispheric dominance of the brain takes great strength.
  • I think the devil exists as we have created him in our own image and likeness.
  • I've been at war with myself between to love and to hold, and to fight and fuck myself over.
  • I'm calm and I'm frenzied. I'm superior and inferior. I'm composed and I'm a wreck.
oct 11 2012 ∞
nov 22 2012 +