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(OUTDATED) 18 ♡ ⚢ ♡ libra ♡ she/her + they/them ♡ cosplayer ♡ aspiring voice actress ♡ irl princess ♡ daydreamer ♡ professional kitty hugger ♡ i just want some love and sleep

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my birthday is october second! by no means do you have to buy me anything for my birthday! but if you want to do something, these are some small things that would make me very happy! but, all that matters is that if you put care into it, regardless i'll love it! :)

  • anything madoka kaname, ruby kurosawa, or rimi ushigome related or something pink and soft: if there's something small you would like to get me at a dealer room i absolutely love pink, soft plushies and any best girl merch but please never spend over $10 for an item just for me!
  • being shown off/shoutout: affirmation is a big factor that helps mediate my depression. when friends show me off to their friends or post a birthday wish shoutout on their story it's so kind! it's like a birthday card to me because i always save them!
  • cosplay "fanart": when i first received artwork of my cosplay for my birthday back in 2016, i was tearing up! i was so flattered and even a doodle is adorable! i really appreciate the personalization, effort, and love put into it!
  • positive wishes sent to my curious cat or tellonym: whenever i get any sweet message it makes me so happy! i love hearing which cosplays of mine you like most, some kind words to cheer me on, and even cosplay suggestions!
  • say i’m cute: being called “cute” is one of the biggest compliments in my opinion and i wish i felt like it.. so when people say i am it makes me happy!
jun 2 2018 ∞
jan 16 2019 +