--- english [25]
- little women (little women #1)
- the rebel
- a kiss before dying
- talking with serial killers: dead men talking
- last orders
- please, daddy, no
- the shadows between us (the shadows between us #1)
- circe
- lights all night long
- ziggyology: a brief history of ziggy stardust
- wuthering heights
- room
- the arragement
- american psycho
- beneath a frosty moon
- mr mercedes (bill hodges trilogy #1)
- four dead queens
- cross the line
- dark places
- marshmallows for breakfast
- once in a lifetime
- the devotion of suspect x (detective galileo #1)
- the fountains of silence
- memoirs of a geisha
- the idiot
--- latvian [13]
- fortūnas domino
- uz zemes īsu brīdi brīnišķi (on earth we're briefly gorgeous)
- mūks, kurš pārdeva savu ferrari (the monk who sold his ferrari)
- dārgie pīšļi (lovely bones)
- neatstājot pēdas (call from an angel)
- sestā sieva
- septītā kamera (cell 7) (cell 7 trilogy #1)
- mazie mīlulīši (little darlings)
- viltvārde (who is maud dixon?)
- septītā diena (day 7)(cell 7 trilogy #2)
- mana jaukā sieva (my lovely wife)
- mīklu valdnieks (the puzzle master)
- austrumos no ēdenes (east of eden)
nov 5 2023 ∞
mar 12 2025 +