• We spent all these years just absorbing all these things — reading, watching movies, gathering all the stuff that we wanted to do. So part of it is to not slow down. There’s a tendency when you’re doing your own work, and your own work starts to take over your life, that you don’t read as much, that you don’t watch as much. I don’t read as much. I don’t watch as much. I used to spend all my time doing it. What I try to do is stay with it, keep looking and keep listening. That I think is the biggest thing. (Wes Anderson)
  • Absence, the highest form of presence. (James Joyce)
  • ...Où, par un temps glacial, le plaisir qu’on goûte est de se sentir séparé du dehors (comme l’hirondelle de mer qui a son nid au fond d’un souterrain dans la chaleur de la terre), et où, le feu étant entretenu toute la nuit dans la cheminée, on dort dans un grand manteau d’air chaud et fumeux, traversé des lueurs des tisons qui se rallument, sorte d’impalpable alcôve, de chaude caverne creusée au sein de la chambre même, zone ardente et mobile en ses contours thermiques, aérée de souffles qui nous rafraîchissent la figure et viennent des angles, des parties voisines de la fenêtre ou éloignées du foyer et qui se sont refroidies... (Proust)
  • We get another French view of the English tea-drinking tradition from Marcel Proust (1871-1922) in his A la Recherche du Temps Perdu. Admiration for British culture is one of the themes that underpins the Anglophile Proust's masterpiece; tea drinking plays a key role in this. Tea drinking, it has been argued, is a metaphor for homosexuality in the book. Indeed, in France at the time, prendre le thé (to take tea) was slang for 'to have homosexual sex,' while tasse and théière (cup and teapot) were both used to indicate a public convenience frequented by gay men. Emily Welles in her Proust's Cup of Tea shows how tea drinking for Proust was quintessentially British and how he used it as an emblem for his love of all things British, including homosexuality. (Tea, A Very British Beverage)
feb 10 2016 ∞
feb 10 2016 +