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Hello I'm Avery/Moth and I'm...

  • 21 years old (ancient...)
  • use they/ them pronouns (sometimes she/her maybe...)
  • asexual. panromantic. (yeah??)
  • usually very quiet...
  • like to draw a bunch
  • likes bugs
  • neat and tidy
  • somewhat soft
  • here!

Uhhhh yeah. Thats just a bit about me but im sure theres lots more i could say. I like talking to people kinda? but i mostly like listening to be honest. i enjoy hearing friends go on and on about their interests or characters and stuff. its relaxing.. although maybe i can be a bit chatty at times and not notice!! I love drawing and always try to draw at least one thing a day but i dont usually show everything off only stuff i think is really good.

I don't really have any goals in life anymore.. i hope to think of some reasonable things at some point soon but for now i'll just try my best to keep myself together and make the people i care about as happy as i can.

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apr 28 2017 ∞
apr 29 2018 +