
    • forest: hot coffee, guitar/indie/folk music, runs an aesthetic blog, doesn’t tell anyone what their favorite songs are bc that’s too personal, absolutely has to put fairy lights everywhere, loves their friends and makes sure they know it, if you hurt them they won’t do anything back they’ll just leave without a word or a trace.


    • english breakfast: ocean waves, sunshine, kindness overflowing in their hearts, wants the world to be nice to them for once, wishes people would stop mistaking their optimism for naiveté.

hogwarts houses

    • ravenclaw: high grades, winters, watching conspiracy theories, perfect eyebrows, fuzzy socks, writing letters, movie night.


    • winter: making promises, drinking black coffee, midnight conversations, dark hair, writing, sleepy eyes, collecting notebooks, stargazing.

fall drinks

    • hot chocolate: a hugger, not taking any bullshit, fiercely loyal, singing in the shower, oversized sweaters, rich colors, difficult to read, wants a vespa, bonfire nights, polaroids, soft spoken, has a thousand nicknames, introverted.

people they've been fallen for

    • mr darcy: aloof and sarcastic, strange sense of humour, wanted to be an actor when they were younger, likes children, science nerd, gentle, good listener and a better teacher, likes tea and scented candles, brutally honest.

candle scents

    • honeysuckle: pretty handwriting, fairy lights, the feeling of toes in the sand, photography, playing with dogs, passionate conversations, sad smiles, cupcakes.


    • amsterdam: messy hair, open-minded, old notebooks, the color black, smudged eyeliner, eye bags, gentle kisses, bruised knuckles, black coffee, sneaking out at midnight, starry skies, holding hands, blushing, wandering through cities.

french words

    • aurore (dawn): stays up late, doesn’t say their deepest thoughts, quiet but their presence is warm, disappears to recharge, likes love letters & mornings.

book types

    • poetry: soft eyes. wistful smiles. only a few close friends. skinnydipping in the ocean. late nights. thinks too deeply. tries too hard or not at all. moves like they have all the time in the world.

things on the sky

    • aurora borealis: spends most of the day in headphones, mind is always in the clouds, lover of arts, very sensitive, unravels philosophical ideas in casual conversations, gives warm hugs, knows a lot of interesting facts for some reason, understands you completely when you’re feeling really down.

types of girls

    • winter girls: the longest hugs where they refuse to let go. soft music in the background, sleeping on your shoulder in the car. eyes full of stories, long conversations about the meaning of life in the darkness. sentimental objects and words from the right person can comfort them. they can act emotionless, but they melt in your arms. temptation to stay in bed during the daylight and stay awake until dawn. they make you appreciate midnights and find love in silent moments.

times of day

    • midnight: nostalgia from watching old cartoons, driving on an empty road, neon signs, adrenaline, speaking to strangers, feeling alive, red lipstick.


    • 80’s: potted plants on the balcony, stargazing with your best friend, dusty video games, old coffee shops, bike rides to the lake, revisiting childhood nostalgia, flower-embroidered sleeves.

creatures of flight

    • angel: holds empathetic tendencies, collects pretty trinkets, loves to help others at no cost, has perfected their own self-care routines, drawn towards sunrise.

moon phases

    • full moon: deep sleep, dreams that seem real, silk pillows, ice cream in bed, fresh sheets, bubble baths, a night in for yourself, the smell of lavender.


    • snow: peaceful, bright eyes, gives good advice, quiet voice, gentle touch, mediator, just as content on their own as they are with others, finds beauty in everything, prefers to wear soft clothing.

film genres

    • fantasy: decorates with fairy lights, puts flowers in their hair, has a sweet tooth, wears blankets as capes, spends way too much on scented candles, frequently watches disney movies, believes in magic/wishes it were real.

lana del rey

    • honeymoon: romantic and sensual, easily broken heart, love letters, fields of roses and peonies, hazy afternoons in love, warm vanilla.
may 30 2020 ∞
jun 2 2020 +