• I believe that God loves everyone, even his failed creations like Satan/Lucifer.
  • I believe that I'm not worth much, but Walmart can't afford me.
  • I believe that Christianity is following God's followers, rather than He.
  • I believe the the world will only end by natural disaster or if humans end it. Never by God or spontaneously.
  • I believe that there is a general ideal person, but we will always fall short due to belief or personality, rather than action and look.
  • I believe that there is a right and wrong, but there are many grey areas that are based on true intentions.
  • I believe that we are more adaptable than we believe; too stubborn.
  • I believe that our purpose for being on Earth is to serve a purpose for someone else, never ourselves; and not necessarily for everyone.
  • I believe that Heaven is too perfect for us; most Christians are not good because they unconditionally love all, but because they want to earn good favor.
  • I believe that once you love someone TRULY, you will always love them in some form; no matter what.
  • I believe that
may 27 2011 ∞
jul 28 2015 +