• I want a tattoo, but I won't desecrate my body.
  • I want to stop teaching as a profession, but I love my students too much.
  • I want to have a baby, but I'm afraid I won't be a good mother.
  • I want to get married, but I'm afraid my heart may change.
  • I want to be a stripper, but I respect myself and women too much.
  • I want to feel sexy and desired by men's standards, but I never want to hurt my boyfriend/spouse.
  • I want to hate men, but I love too much.
  • I want to be secluded, but I'm too social.
  • I want a ranch, but I don't want the extra work.
  • I want several degrees, but I don't have the funds.
  • I want to write a book, but I don't have the patience.
may 28 2011 ∞
jul 28 2015 +