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Myself-Crocodile You are aggressive, but also protective, energetic, creative and initiating. You have a personal power that must be used creatively or you may become dominating. You are a busy person, often constantly working to maintain the emotional integrity of your world. Your instincts are unusually strong. Besides possessing a powerful maternal instinct, you may also be genuinely psychic. Those who have a close relationship with you sometimes notice your tendency to dominate others in a parental way. Crocodile personalities are also extremely sensitive and touchy, and you may have a tendency to be defensive. On the other hand, you can be among the most critical and fussy persons known. If you don't have any children of your own, you will seek outlets by establishing nurturing relationships with people, pets and even plants. The maternal instincts of female Alligator types, for example, can be powerful.

jun 27 2010 ∞
jun 27 2010 +