My birth info: My numbers did well in depicting how I was before I was married. I was a blossoming adult then, with the whole world in front of me and no real commitments at the time, though I craved them. Because of that, I was very

  • Maternal and responsible for everyone (I wanted kids.)
  • Critical of everyone (I felt like I had defied the odds going from lower-middle-class to middle-class by myself with no help, two jobs, and an early degree. I started teaching at 21 as the first to graduate from college in my family.)
  • Idealistic (I was still developing psychologically and lived very much by the rules as an example of how to do things right.)
  • Open-minded and expressive (I was young and worked with youth, so I believed in everything and that we all needed to speak up to make a change toward the right things.)
  • Authoritative and independent (Again, I was a young teacher with what I thought were new ideas to make a change and help kids be more independent like how I was.)
  • Learning and Observant (Being the youngest child, I spent my life learning by observing others and learned to love learning from clues more so than through explicit instruction.)

Though very similar to the first quarter of my life, there are some key differences in my married info in comparison to my birth info--namely in my personality and power numbers. Now, I am very

  • Cooperative, sensitive, and all about balance (I used to want everyone to express themselves no matter what, but now I understand that the world needs a balance in order to cooperate and coexist. Those who over-express or constantly express actually bother me now. Not meaning they talk too much, but that they always want to share their opinion for the world to behold without a real warrant.)
  • Responsible, harmonious, and parental (Being a parent of three now, I'm really learning responsibility for others on a deeper level and wanting to have more harmony for everyone, not just myself. While before, I was always learning new things from my observations, now I'm observing the same things and thus learning the same things, but on a deeper level than before.)

So, overall, I would say that my numerology portrait is pretty accurate.

jun 22 2022 ∞
jun 22 2022 +