F.Y.I: I am ultimately an intrapersonal learner who can only learn in three steps- Teach, discuss, assess. Exceling in English/Writing based classes, I am best assessed through an essay because of the process of research, organization, and application to the paper. There are many topics that I wish to write research papers on so that I may force myself through the process and learn what I can for personal knowledge.
- 20's, 30's, 40's
- Authors
- British Royalty
- Circus/Carnival
- Fairytales (originals vs. Disney)
- Greece/Rome comparison
- Italian Renaissance
- Male vs. Female
- Luther vs. Wycliffe
- Chaucer vs. Shakespeare
- Movie comparisons
- Performance Arts
- Types of Essays
- Types of Mythology
- Myths
- Folklore
- Tales
- Legends
- Vampyrs (myth vs. real [there is a real Dracula, but he is not what people know him as])
- Witchcraft
- Zombie/Werewolf/Vampyr comparison
- Importance of Languages
- English
- Italian
- Latin
- Greek
- French
- Killers
- Lizzie Bourdon
- Aileen Wuornos
- The Zodiac
- Ted Bundy
- Jack the Ripper
- John Wayne Gacy
- Ed Gein
- Grim Sleeper?
- Ripper Crew
- Dorothea Puente
- Bloody Bendors
- Jeffrey Dahmer
- Oakland County Child Killer
- Servant Girl Annihilator