music (haphazardly rated 2011 releases)
may 21 2011
films (to watch)
may 21 2011
television (i have watched)
may 21 2011
films (watched in 2011)
may 20 2011
music (2011 new music releases (?))
mar 5 2011
television (to watch)
mar 5 2011
magazines (magazines to read)
may 18 2010
books (to read)
dec 24 2009
films (watched in 2010)
mar 6 2011
books (read in 2010)
mar 5 2011
performances (2010)
mar 5 2011
performances (2009)
jan 24 2010
films (watched in 2009)
jan 24 2010
music (2009 releases)
jan 24 2010
books (& other literary works read in 2009)
jan 24 2010