We are always willing to talk if the conversation is constructive and friendly! However, I cannot guarantee that I will respond 100% of the time, only because I do have EXTREME anxiety and paranoia. Please keep this in mind and try not to take my silence too seriously. Even my therapist couldn't get a decent phone call out of me when I first met her. No one is exempt. Hahah
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/multiplmindedme (most active here as of 2018!) Features small thoughts, posts of art, and quick responses. Can be rather political.
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/juliakay.etall.7 (created fairly recently! Please add if you would like. :) Please tell me beforehand so I know where you came from!)
- E-mail: multiplemindedme@gmail.com (I prefer contact here from research/media folk. Please do not contact me on Twitter for this info.)
- Other: I am found in most Dissociative Identity Disorder groups on facebook. I usually am in more serious groups that focus mostly on the mental part of why we do what we do, and avoid the overly-spiritual/system-hopping/fantasy groups that often invalidate DID and make it into a whimsical fantasy or some religious demon/angel battle. I do not disparage those who are into that, but it's not my cup of tea and makes me feel uncomfortable, personally.