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i'm not sure what i'll do, but — well, i want to go places and see people. i want my mind to grow. i want to live where things happen on a big scale.

  • You are likely to be a unique and somewhat progressive individual. There may be something about you that somehow “separates” you from everybody else.
  • Aquarius is an Air sign, and so pertains to ideas, concepts and communication. It as relates to the social side of life in terms of the protocol that guides how we interact with eachother.
  • Aquarius is also a Fixed sign, which gives qualities of focus, perseverance and endurance.
  • Your position as someone already ‘on the outside’ gives you the ability to interpret the world around you from an often unique point of view.
  • Because the emotional qualities governed by the Moon are influenced by an Air sign, you may be at times detached or inclined toward objectivity in your emotional responses. This sign is perhaps the least “emotional” of the Zodiac, and consequently, you are likely to be more comfortable with words and ideas, than you are with the more sentimental, or passionate, dimensions of life.
  • You are likely to feel more at ease with fact and concept, and may struggle at times to understand others who are more driven by passion or instinct. This does not mean that you are not emotional. Far from it. It just implies you will naturally seek objectivity and reason when it comes to any emotional terrain.
  • Accordingly, you may prefer to nurture and support others “from a distance”, offering cool, clear and objective analysis to those around you, rather than getting deeply involved.
  • You may prefer to offer your time and sympathy to impersonal, group or humanitarian causes, and may be more comfortable with collective concerns.
  • Your sense of objectivity is your best asset, and your ability to connect with others is based mostly on your capacity to simply see others for who they are.
jul 13 2017 ∞
jul 13 2017 +