• i'm not sure if i really want to be married and having kids or not
  • i think i'm in my loneliest state lately, i thought of really needing a lot of supports but keep on pushing people away
  • i want to die sometimes but i thought it probably just my feelings that need to be dead for awhile
  • trust issues, commitment issues are still the things i'm dealing with
  • i still hardly determine how i really feel towards this certain someone, but it hurts, it does
  • this year's new year just don't (not yet) quite feel like new as time to start fresh and stuff
  • i barely setting goals and resolutions, i really just want to let it flow the way it will
  • i'm still sad all the time but i'm completely okay with it as long as it doesn't get in the way of whatever i probably need to be done or stuff
  • i thought of wanting to be more selfless but my immature ass still won't cooperate
  • i really really want to keep people stay close but somehow in the way i'm draining
  • once i actually had ever admitted to someone if i really should just be heartless, i probably should but i still love getting my feelings hurt
  • i merely can't distinguish toxic people in my life so its difficult for me to cut them off.. if i ever want to
  • i think i really just need to be appreciated
  • what the media or anything that showed the world's condition really concern me to the point where it sometimes make me want to cry and it stresses me in some confusing ways
  • i think about should i really love myself or just be my usual self where i don't really...
  • both my parents positively want the best for me but they're also weighing me down and sometimes with their open ridiculous childish fight i just hardly bear
  • i couldn't forget the fact that i just turned 17 years old and being continually reminded by it makes me sad.. also reason why i cry a lot lately
  • i feel super guilty because this one particular reason and again its including other people feelings but i still keep the thing to myself.. another great reason why i hate myself
  • i just realized i spent the whole holiday suffocating over too many things

etc etc

jan 4 2017 ∞
jan 31 2018 +