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secret society of list addicts []

  • Stop putting up with shit you wouldn't allow your girlfriend/sister/mom to put up with--That's right, Ms. Making-Excuses-for-Your-Partner-or-Love-Interest's-Bad Behavior. Stop it right now. You deserve better.
  • Try something new--Maybe it's something as small as taking a different route home from work. Break out of the mundane and see what possibilities wait for you in your own neighborhood.
  • Say "No", just this once--You're overbooked as it is, and no one will mind if you miss one meeting/get-together/small obligation for a nap, a solitary glass or wine, or some snuggle time with your kids (both real and fur).
  • Wear it because it makes you feel good--Don't wear it because it's in fashion, you think your mom will like it, or because it's "appropriate". Meh. Be comfy if you like comfy, be crazy if you like crazy, and be just a little bit slutty if you like slutty (I see you, my BCBG heels. You're not really right for work, but you need some love, too.)
  • Control your life, don't let your life control you--See above.
jan 14 2010 ∞
jan 14 2010 +