what does the 'basic dni criteria' consist of? well, this could differ depending on the person but i'd say it's mostly a do not interact if you're:

  • racist, anti-black , against blm, all lives matter, support the police & the military, nazi, right winger, antisemitic, islamophobic, zionist/pro-israel, misogynistic, xenophobic
  • map or 'minor attracted person', a pedophile - basically
  • fetishize mlm or wlw relationships/pairings/etc
  • you're ok with having relationships with horrible people
  • romanticize abuse or mental illnesses
  • ableist (this includes people who are against self diagnosis too!)
  • lgbtphobic (lesbiphobic, homophobic, biphobic, panphobic, transphobic, exclusionist, transmedicalist, think pan/omni are biphobic, etc)
  • use slurs you can't reclaim, 'reclaim' slurs without any research & use them lightly
  • believe in/are a mspec lesbian
  • believe fiction doesn't affect reality or you're pro-ship/anti-anti, zoophile, ship/'headcanon' real people
  • support or believe in endogenic "systems"
  • fatphobic (promote thinspo, fatspo, use fat as an insult instead of a descriptive word, etc.)
  • support NFTs, crypto, etc
jun 29 2023 ∞
feb 12 2024 +