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finding your way doesn't mean you always know where you're going, it's knowing how to find your way back home that's important.

listography NEW NEWS
  • telepathy !!! everyone would get amazed by your connection.
  • finishing each other's sentences.
  • knowing what the other is thinking with just one look.
  • teasing each other and smirking when the other loses first.
  • stealing each other's clothes
  • recommending books to each other and talking excitedly about your reads.
  • you would call him late at night to complain or scream about something you're reading and he wouldn't mind at all, he would just listen (and do the same when he needs).
  • you would love to wear his hoodies because of his scent and he would love to take them back later when your scent is above his.
  • you would always send him pictures wearing his clothes and he would always answer with: "IT LOOKS SO MUCH BETTER ON YOU! it's unfair".
  • you two would lay together sometimes just to enjoy each other's presence, the feeling of a body next to another.
  • sometimes you two would sit in bed, both reading a different book, next to each other in comfortable silence and it would be one of your favorite moments.
  • he would know all your manners and preferences and would always know what you want or feel before you say it.
  • you would scream "I'M NOT SOFT, STOP IT", but would melt as soon he hugs you.
  • you both would cuddle cause it's just WAY TOO COLD but denying that you both love it and would still cuddle even when it's warm.
  • you two would sleep on phone calls when he's away, just listening to each other's breathing.
  • he would hold your hand in every chance he gets.
  • he would never get tired of listening to you talk about anything at all, your voice = his favorite sound.
  • you would have a collection of little gifts he bought you in all of his trips.
  • he would write you songs, poems and would send you random stuff whenever it made it think of you (always).
  • you would make him watch your favorite shows and favorites movies over and over again but he would never complain. he likes it but the real reason is that he loves your face when you're watching something you love.
  • he would never lose a chance to compliment you and make you feel you're the most beautiful woman on earth (you really are).
  • you would text him your favorites quotes from your favorite books, especially the ones that made you think about him.
  • he would come home after a long busy day bringing your favorite food so you both can lay around and watch movies together.
  • you two would recommend each other songs.
  • make playlists for each other.
  • make a to-do list for dates.
  • make a to watch list for weekends.
  • make a to read list for each other with recommendations.
  • he would know how to make you smile and laugh like no one else.
  • you would know how to calm him and make him relax.
  • you two would count days until he's back at home, texting the countdown until the d-day.
  • your birthday would be his sacred day, would be his duty to make it perfect because it's your day, the day the world made possible for you two to be together.
  • he would call you cute pet names, you would pretend to find it lame, denying that your heart beats three times faster whenever you listen to it.
  • you would love to lay on his chest, listening to his heart beating.
  • he would take pictures of you and film you without even noticing.
  • whispering i love yous to each other late at night in the dark.
  • you are each other's favorite person in the whole world.
jul 7 2019 ∞
jul 8 2019 +