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the red thread of fate is an east asian belief originating from chinese legend. according to this myth, the gods tie an invisible red cord around the ankles of those that are destined to meet one another in a certain situation or help each other in a certain way. often, in japanese and korean culture, it is thought to be tied around the little finger. (...) the two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. this magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break. this myth is similar to the western concept of soulmate or a destined flame.

or, this could also be a list of the 19 reasons why i love you unconditionally.

  • 1. every little part of your being is incredibly stunning. i'm talking about your eyes, your hair, your smile and most importantly, your heart. you're absolutely beautiful, inside and out.
  • 2. nothing with you is ever boring. this one is kinda self-explanatory; you just have a way of turning everything into something absolutely amazing.
  • 3. you're passionate. totally, completely, 100%.
  • 4. you care about me more than anyone else - even from afar.
  • 5. you always find a way to put a smile on my face. even when i don't want to, even when i'm too sad to do so.
  • 6. you're soft. being in your presence is as comforting as wrapping myself in a warm blanket on a cold rainy day.
  • 7. you love me for who i am. you accept all of my flaws and deal with my moments of silliness, sadness and clinginess - even when i don't ask for it, even when you don't have to, even when i don't deserve it.
  • 8. you're small. is it necessary for me to say anything else?
  • 9. you're my safe place. whenever, wherever. you always make me feel safe.
  • 10. you show me you. you opened yourself up, left your heart wide open and let me in.
  • 11. every day you teach me something new. you probably didn't know this, but you do. always.
  • 12. we are a team. you're always here for me and i'm always going to be there for you.
  • 13. your smile. it lights up my whole world.
  • 14. you inspire me - to be a better friend, a better daughter, a better sister, and just a better person in general.
  • 15. you're my home. because, well, home is where the heart is.
  • 16. you always seem to know what i need. it's almost like our brains are connected in a way.
  • 17. you see the best in me. especially at times when i can't see it myself.
  • 18. you found me. at the time i needed most, you stood by me and became my strength.
  • 19. and finally, to summarize it all, i love you because i just do. it's as simple as that. just because the thought of not loving you is too painful to even consider. because if i couldn't do that, my life would be pointless.
jan 14 2018 ∞
jan 18 2018 +