
  • quick summary - anne has moved to summerside to work as a school principal while gilbert is at medical school. the novel is presented through a series of letters from anne to her fiancĂ© where she details her experiences, challenges and triumphs when helping the people of her new town navigate their troubles.
  • key themes - friendship, community, romance, perseverance, personal growth.
  • fav character - katherine! her experience was so relatable and her growth was very believable too. 'little fellow' was also adorable and his story made me cry so much.


  • what i found interesting - montgomery's descriptions of canadian nature in every season are always beautiful to read. I was happy to see that the author still kept anne as a dreamer in the book despite her age without feeling like she was aging her down for the sake of the young character we were used to. she became such a kind, helpful and smart young lady!
  • fav quote - "nobody is ever too old to dream. and dreams never grow old" + "(...) don't let's ever be afraid of things. it's such dreadful slavery. let's be daring and adventurous and expectant. let's dance to meet life and all it can bring to us, even if it brings scads of trouble and typhoid and twins!" + "we have memories of you that nothing can take away"

books it reminded me of

  • the o'sullivan twins series - katherine's story arc reminded me of the twins' relationships with their classmates a lot. the trouble with the pringles in the classroom anne faced in the beginning of the book was also reminiscent of this series.


  • 4/5 - I read so many reviews of this book claiming that this was the worst in the series, but I enjoyed it. the multiple rude old residents got a little bit annoying at some point, and even some of the younger people (like the ones who blamed anne for breaking them up?). however, parts of it were still heartwarming and I laughed out loud multiple times (rebecca dew is a queen). I don't think any of the books will ever top the first one, but I will eventually read the next one about anne of gilbert's first years of marriage.
apr 7 2024 ∞
may 4 2024 +