Aphrodite is the feeling of power as you stride in heels, the nervousness and new found excitement as you try on an outfit thinking ‘damn I look good’

Aphrodite is the love you have for yourself after accomplishing something, the warmth you feel in the embrace of friends, the giggle as you watch someone you love open a present.

Aphrodite is the comfort of finding a label that fits, the easing of dysphoria when you put on that special outfit, the love of a community.

Aphrodite is loving who you are, loving the world and loving everything in it. The pigeons on the fence, the butterflies swirling round, the worm wriggling in the mud.

Aphrodite is the way your heart beats when you debate over something you’re passionate about. That feeling of accomplishment when you win. The feeling of pure rage when you don’t.

Aphrodite is donating to charities, volenteering, and looking after those less fortunate. Everyone is deserving of love.

Aphrodite is that push you give yourself when it’s late and all you want to do is sleep, that push to wash your face and get changed, that last act of self care.

Aphrodite is knowing when to take a break, when to step back and be proud of your accomplishment.

Aphrodite is raw love, passion and energy. She is powerful, strong and bold.

And She loves you. No matter what you are going through, She loves you. You are doing your very best, and She knows that.

jul 29 2020 ∞
jul 29 2020 +