If you'd like to preserve the Magick in your crochet its important to take care of it properly.

If you've purchased crocheted earrings from me, here's how to take care of them! It's pretty easy, just one rule.

  • Do not get the jewelry wet. Especially the crochet motif.

If you get the jewelry wet the crochet motif will lose its form; making it limp and shapeless. The metal of the jewelry hardware will tarnish as a result of getting the earrings wet.

It's best to not go swimming, shower, sit in a sauna or hot tub with your crochet earrings.


However, if you do accidentally get them wet; Don't worry! There's a way to revive them, but it does take time and supplies to do.

you're going to need:

  • A hair dryer, some paper towels, or regular clean towel.
  • Some sewing pins (its better to get rust-proof pins)
  • Cardboard (not cardstock or cereal box cardboard.)
  • Aleene's Stiffen Quik (Any kind of Starch Spray should work.)
  • Two pairs of flat pliers
  • Time

Dry jewelry immediately with a hairdryer on low-cool setting or Pat dry on a flat surface with paper towels or a regular towel.

Disassemble your earrings with a pair of flat pliers in each hand. Start by finding the seam on the jump-ring. Twist the jump-ring away from you, ever so slightly. Twist it just enough to remove the pieces that are connected. This includes the beads, and earring part Don't lose these!

Lay your cardboard flat on a table or floor. Then lay the two crochet motif pieces. Start pinning around the crochet motif. Use enough pins to reshape the motif back to its intended form. Here is a more in-depth tutorial on how to block crochet.

Apply Aleene's Stiffen Quik per bottle instructions.

Wait 'til dry, once fully dry you can reassemble the earrings and should be good as new!

may 18 2024 ∞
may 30 2024 +