I've had tumblr for like 5+ years and idk what exactly my blog is anymore, but i guess it can be considered like an organized mess? i only have one main blog for anything ever so basically, expect to see a mix of reblogs and my own writing (mainly poetry) and photography. My other original posts are tagged /tagged/mari+speaks !

If you're curious about my interests, check out my tags page! I try to update it as much as I can.

more things about me: i'm super gay and im love my friends a lot and i would die for them honestly. i'm an aspiring writer and i also want to teach one day and i'm in my last year of undergrad! so while it is stressful, i hope the pay off is worth it when i graduate.

i dunno what else to add really except i love talking to people, so feel free to message me honestly! my ask box is always open as are my tumblr IM's.

thank you for checking out my blog!

oct 6 2017 ∞
jul 6 2018 +