• hourou musuko, x about a young trans girl and her friends, all figuring out their gender identity and sexual orientations
    • moshidora, x about a school girl leading a baseball club with lessons from a book called drucker's management
    • sofuteni, x about a girls' tennis team and their journey to nationals
    • taishou yakyuu musume, x about two girls starting a baseball team in 1925 while knowing nothing about the sport
    • pretty rhythm dance, x about two girls dreaming about becoming the stars of a new ice-skating and their journey
    • stella jogakuin, x about a group of girls in a military games club
    • sekai de ichiban, x about a girl who enters pro-wrestling to avenge her friend
    • battle athletess, x about a girl aiming to become the best athlete in the world, like her mother
    • bamboo blade, x about a male kendo teacher assembling a group of girls to beat another group of girls for free food
jun 13 2015 ∞
jun 13 2015 +