⟡⟡ (favorite)
⟡⟡⟡ (ultimate favorite)
Author’s Summary: After a hard childhood and many miserable years in boarding school, Jeon Wonwoo doesn’t expect accepting a job as a live-in childminder and caretaker for a wealthy man’s only daughter to make his life any more exciting. Enter his admittance into the sprawling, high-end Thornfield Hotel, where all the guests are rich and ditzy and the staff seem to carry a hundred secrets. The owner of Thornfield and his employer in question, Wen Junhui, is a brash, cynical, persuasive, and impossible man, with a whole lifetime of regrets and mistakes he either wishes to make up for or forget entirely. It’s here, against all odds, that Wonwoo finds himself falling desperately in love.
Au: Rich!Jun; Childminder!Wonwoo
Notes: angst. Romance. holy fucking shit this has got to be my favorite fanfic of all time. This is written so beautifully— ohmygod so much angst. FUCK THIS IS THE BEST
Length: Two shot (but it’s very long, might as well be considered a chaptered fic bc it has almost 100k words)
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10610628/chapters/23463036
Author’s Summary: Wonwoo had thrown a selfishly-driven fit at the feet of Junhui, who now had his large hands tangled in Wonwoo's hair.
“Is talking back the only thing your pretty little mouth is good for?”
Notes: Smut. Shit this is hot
Length: One shot
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13331658
Author’s Summary: He’s known Junhui a total of thirty minutes before he ends up like this: face-down in the hot sand on a beach in Maui, feet strapped to a surfboard, Junhui laughing above him.
Au: Surfer!Jun
Notes: Smut. Romance
Length: One shot
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13477290
Author’s Summary: It's supposed to be easy, simple. One week of holding hands and kissing and pretending to be in love and then Wonwoo and Junhui can go back to just being best friends. Only it isn't easy at all. Nothing is ever easy with the two of them.
Notes: romance. Slight angst. lots of kissing.
Length: One shot
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11553714
Author’s Summary: The night before his first international piano competition, Wonwoo discovers that he's staying in the same hotel as his rival, Wen Junhui.
Au: pianist!wonhui
Notes: Smut.
Length: One shot