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  • Most people call me Name or Yuta, but I have a shit ton of other names in addition to those. If you somehow know my real name please don't use it! Thank you
  • I'm 100% Korean but I was born and raised in America so I identify as American as well.
  • Please keep drama away from me it stresses me out a lot.
  • What the fuck is a sexuality?
  • I identify as genderfluid!
  • I'm an agnostic theist, meaning I believe in God, but I'm not entirely sure if a God does exist, and if so, which religion would be right.
  • I consider myself Christian, but I also make a lot of light jokes about God and Jesus Christ so if that bothers you that's just a heads up.
  • I love memes
  • Uhh I'm going to therapy for shit but I haven't gotten any diagnoses yet so like. who knows man
  • I get salty about everything
apr 2 2016 ∞
jan 17 2017 +