- agnes grey, anne bronte
- as i lay dying, william faulkner
- bloodwitch, susan dennard
- cemetery boys, aiden thomas
- circe, madeline miller
- east of eden, john steinbeck
- emma, jane austen
- far from the madding crowd, thomas hardy
- finnikin of the rock, melina marchetta
- hard times, charles dickens
- jacob's room, virginia woolf
- king of scars, leigh bardugo
- l'amie prodigieuse, elena ferrante
- l'amour aux temps du choléra, gabriel garcia marquez
- l'homme qui rit, victor hugo
- le rouge et le noir, stendhal
- les trois mousquetaires, alexandre dumas
- mansfield park, jane austen
- on earth we're briefly gorgeous, ocean vuong
- one last stop, casey mcquiston
- persuasion, jane austen
- quatrevingt-treize, victor hugo
- strange the dreamer, laini taylor
- the garden party and other stories, katherine mansfield
- the grapes of wrath, john steinbeck
- the member of the wedding, carson mccullers
- the secret history, donna tartt
- three lives, gertrude stein
- witchshadow, susan dennard
sep 27 2022 ∞
mar 18 2025 +