• crypto prefers when octane falls asleep more because octavio grabs onto him while he sleeps. not like.. violently grabbing his face or anything but he grips onto his clothes tightly. octavio also slightly snores in his sleep and it works as background noise for tae joon.
  • octavio calls crypto 'joonie' sometimes. tae pretends to hate it but he actually thinks it's really sweet.
  • at the start of their relationship tae was really gruff and blunt with octavio, but as the relationship progressed he grew more fond of tav over time. it isn't that he didn't totally like him at first but rather octavio gained his trust over time.
  • although tae joon trusts no one completely, he trusts octavio a great amount more than he does other legends (apart from natalie, she's a very close second.)
  • octavio comes home from events sometimes and tae joon will be passed out on the couch or at his desk. both of their sleep schedules are extremely fucked but octavio takes his profession seriously so his is a bit more balanced than crypto's. when this happens he doesn't wake tae joon up to take him to bed; he did that before and it ended up with a very grouchy tae. instead he opts to shut all the curtains and usually goes out again since it'll be awhile before tae wakes up and octavio is also loud as hell.
  • they don't often have alone time or do coupley things even when they do but sometimes they both need a break. octavio has a habit of exhausting himself over and over until he breaks down. crypto does the same thing but instead of physically exhausting himself he does it mentally. usually around once a month they take a break day together where they stay at home and take care of themselves/each other. usually for the first half of the day they do things they enjoy. octavio doesn't work out, even though he loves it, because he's already physically tired, and tae joon stays away from screens. octavio spends the day lazing around, usually playing video games and napping. tae joon usually chooses to go out for a jog and.. also sleeps. they sort of switch lives in a way. at the end of the day they spend time together, huddling on the couch together and watching tv they don't pay attention too, busy enjoying each others company.
may 30 2021 ∞
may 31 2021 +