do not touch if u fit just the standard stuff (homophobic/transphobic/racist/ableist/generally otherwise offensive)

if youre a minor im cool with you following me/being mutuals with you but if i as an adult make you uncomfortable in any way please do not hesitate to either confront me or block me

i also probably won't follow you back/interact with you much if you use or retweet/reblog/etc posts with a lot of slurs (f-slur, q-slur, d-slur, etc) sorry it's a trauma thing

if u want to break a mutual follow and dont want me following you anymore id prefer u hardblock bc if u softblock, my memory is really bad and i may refollow on accident

i am fully 100000% aware tht it is no ones job to educate me on anything however if i do smth bad or offensive even if u could just point it out and say "hey this was shitty of you to say google it and research why u shouldnt do it again" i would b really grateful for ur time

mar 13 2018 ∞
feb 13 2022 +