• 人做我唔做, 殺出新血路
  • A constant things-are-never-going-to-be-the-same-again-wow-this-is-fucking-serious transformation.
  • Music is for dancing - for penetrating your subconscious and having sex with your soul.
  • So?
  • Johnny is a totally different story with a Depp
  • Fashion fades. Style Stays.
  • This isn't flying. This is falling with style.
  • The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
  • Never regret something that once made you smile.
  • A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
  • No matter how we try to be mature, we will always be a kid when we all get hurt and cry.
  • Grandfathers are just antique little boys
  • Inhale Fashion. Exhale Style.
  • minolta x700
  • “There may be more beautiful times, but this one is ours.” — Jean-Paul Sartre
  • “All you feel while you’re acting is ebullience,” he said. “You intellectualize when you go into the projection room and say, “Now, why isn’t that funny?” When you get older, you know how to approach humor. The best definition of humor I ever heard is that it’s getting people in and out of trouble. That’s what I try to do. I’m emotional about most things but objective about my work. I don’t get satisfaction out of it, I get relief.”
  • 「愛就是當你累了仍能讓你笑的東西。」- Terri,4歲
  • the deeper sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain -kahlil gibran
  • "When you yell at someone, who hears it more: you or them? You're only hurting yourself by getting angry."
  • Don't let the past define your future.
  • "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure betrayal of false friends; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a happy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Time is everyone's enemy.
  • "Life is a long preparation for something that never happens." - William Butler Yeats
  • "揸住個包,我忽然明白,原來有啲野,無就真係無,唔得就真係唔得。無魚蛋,無粗面,無去馬爾代夫,無獎牌,無張保仔寶藏。而張保仔,亦都從來無咬過個包。原來蠢,唔係咁好笑。蠢會失敗,會失望。失望,唔係咁好笑。 肥,都未必好笑,肥唔一定大力。大力,亦都唔一定得。揸住個包,我忽然喺到諗,大個咗到我要面對呢個實掘掘,未必到你發夢,又未必咁好笑嘅世界嘅時候,我會係點嘅呢?"
  • wrong turns but right places


  • Earth but a player's stage - Thomas Nashe
  • and down they forgot as up they grew - E.E.Cummings
  • Go love without the help of any Thing on Earth - William Blake
  • "sometimes you have to play a long time to be able to play like yourself." - Miles Davis

~ artparasites

  • Your perfumed silence
  • I miss you like a train ticket screams 4:30 at 4:47
  • Sometimes I wonder if love is worth fighting for, but then I remember your face and I'm ready for war
  • “I know / you and I / are not about poems or / other sentimental bullshit / but I have to tell you / even the way / you drink your coffee / knocks me the fuck out.” ― Clementine von Radics
  • I want your finally Friday / stretch soul smile, / sun sipping light / from the glaciers in your eyes / fingers unfurl, hand extends
  • Your absence has gone through me / Like thread through a needle. / Everything I do is stitched with its color. — W.S. Merwin
  • The way to love someone is to lightly run your finger over that person’s soul until you find a crack, and then gently pour your love into that crack. — Keith Miller
  • His smile used to light up my gloomiest nights / And I am learning to be scared of the dark again. - Leia Klaudia
  • Genuine artists talk to us about ourselves, more specifically about those parts of ourselves that we keep hidden – the strange parts, the dark parts. But these people wear their strangeness as a badge of honour, making it an important part of their identity. This is why they touch us. - berlin-artparasites
  • You fell in love / with my flowers / but not with my roots, / so when Autumn arrived / you didn’t know what to do. —unknown
nov 9 2010 ∞
may 12 2016 +