since i interact with a number of kin/fictive/etc spaces, i thought i'd add a note about species-related identity terms, because i know there can be confusion on how to refer to others in these spaces. there's a tl;dr (in list form!) at the end if you want to skip ahead, but i wanted to explain my reasoning.

i've noted here that i'm a fictive, but call myself fictionkin for personal reasons. friends are allowed to refer to me as a fictive (if you're not sure, just ask!), and if i've referred to myself as such in the course of a conversation, i'm okay with being called a fictive by anyone in the course of that same conversation, but that's not blanket permission for everyone present going forward. my identity as a fictive is important to me, but my identity as fictionkin is much more important in a big-picture sense, and carries a lot less baggage.

while i generally consider myself a nightwing first and a human second, i'm completely comfortable being referred to as a human and in some contexts might even prefer it. (in fact, while i'd like other wings of fire kin/fictives/etc to feel free to refer to me as a nightwing, i'd really prefer that anyone else ask me first.)

i'd generally prefer not to be referred to as a seer, prophet, or mindreader, even in kin/fictive/etc contexts. there's some flexibility on this for friends and for other kin/fictives/etc who were in that position, particularly other nightwings, but, even though it very much did shape my identity, it's not something i ever wanted and frankly i'm fucking delighted to never have to deal with it again (outside of a plural context, at least). i do still feel a certain kinship with anyone else who had to deal with that, though, so if you were one too, you can call me that in private and i'll let you know if i decide i'm not comfortable with that anymore.

i also generally consider myself a cat, but beyond terms like catboy would usually prefer not to be referred to as such. other warriors kin/fictives/etc are free to call me a medicine cat, but otherwise i'd again prefer that you ask first.

i do more or less consider myself thunderclan/shadowclan most of the time, and i'm totally comfortable with being referred to as a clanmate by anyone who was a part of either (regardless of time period).


anyone can call me:

  • human/person/etc
  • catboy/catthing/etc
  • fictionkin/otherkin
  • dragonkin
  • otherhearted
  • cathearted
  • therian
  • kin

sourcemates can call me:

  • nightwing
  • medicine cat
  • thunderclan
  • shadowclan

friends can call me:

  • fictive/alter/etc

otherwise, ask to call me:

  • fictive/alter/etc
  • seer/prophet/etc
  • mindreader/psychic/etc
  • cat/medicine cat
jan 6 2024 ∞
jan 6 2024 +