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oppa 4 lyfe

//fic recs are located in the ongoing list and are organized by alphabetical order followed by rating//

listography NEW NEWS


cooking,cooking => romance, smut | chefs!au

some assembly required => romance, mild gore, slight angst | fantasy!au

snow => fluff | kids!au

135 seoul => romance, violence | killers!au


the best worst decision => fluff, humor | high school!au

Krisho (Family!au)

baby steps

ice-cream shenanigans => sehun!centric

of bubble baths and lullabies

of leotards and yellow blocks

of snow globes and burnt cookies => smut


call you mine => fluff | drabble

tongue-tied => humor, smut | chanyeol has a crush on sehun +slight!baekris


close your eyes, you're almost there => romance, fluff, humor | sports school!au

i wanna see you but you're not mine => romance | getting back together

interview with a bro => romance, humor | friends to lovers

like the million times i never said => romance, humor | friends to lovers

play me => humor | long distance relationship | slight sexual suggestions

ready for those flashing lights => fluff, humor | fansite masters!au

the wars you bring => romance | lawyers!au | slight sekai


furry little problem => cat!chen | canon fic

jongdae kim and the case of the purloined poodle => high school detectives (??)


white lies => jongin's a conman (not really) and kyungsoo's a detective | +kaisoo


community pool => humor | +exo

sparks => magic, powers and a circus


another unbelievable night with the boys => crack | slight!kaisoo+baekyeol

bake for 25 minutes, or 'till golden brown => humor | culinary school!au

little giants => cuteness overload | kid!au

no shame in my game => romance, humor | disneyland!au | +chansoo, baekchen

of magical girls and prince of tennis => humor | chen + kyungsoo




awkward times when you're super hot but your life isn't => crack

as love washes you ashore => fluff | parents!au | +hunhan, baekyeol, kaisoo

diva diaries => crack, humor | high school!au

farmville => crack | farm!au

murder in a house of angels => violence | battle royale!au

mapcrunch => humor, crack | canon fic

no love like tough love => humor | daycare!au | kid!kyungsoo | +overprotective parents!xiuhan, +slight chankai

pop,six,squish (cicero, lipschitz) => dark humor, violence

primadonna girls => crack | genderbend!au

rocks band => crack, fluff, angst | shut up flower boyband!au

(save me from my) house committee => humor, crack | high school!au

song as old as rhyme => crack, humor | disney!au

top grade milk: milk with 8g fat => kids!au

that annoying family => humor | cinema!au

the life and times of park chanyeol canon fic | slight!baekyeol

CHAPTERED (some fics are discontinued)

(fairy tale) adventure time => mild action | kid!chinguline+kid!taohun

office antics => romance, humor | office!au | +kaisoo, baekyeol, hunhan, taoris

fineprint => romance, action, angst, dark humor/comedy | mafia+killers!au

dec 24 2013 ∞
jan 22 2015 +