• book 2 round trip flights from brussels to toronto
  • book flight from somewhere in westcoast to toronto
  • book flight from DC to albuquerque
  • book all necessary bustickets at www.megabus.com
  • book a car for the westcoast kilroy
  • go to travelagency for information, flights, car and hotels
  • get a personal creditcard
  • when fully booked, make a new route
  • when new route is finished, contact brystals parents and brian and ilja for sleepovers
  • plan big present for dad's birthday
  • reserve tickets for nate berkus show
  • buy tickets for a giants game and concerts
  • healthcare and travel insurance checkup
  • make list of what to pack and how (suitcase or backpack?)
  • get a wax
mar 5 2011 ∞
jun 18 2011 +