(probably won't remember all; sorry my angels)

ㅤㅤㅤ CATS

  • unnamed (f): first pet cat, black tabby ✞
    • unnamed (m): looked the same as his mom; lived long enough til we moved houses; got blind; ran away ✞
    • unnamed (m): orange tabby; i remember he had a square head ✞
    • unnamed (f): ^ twin; was pregnant but didn't give birth ✞
  • unnamed (m): chunky orange tabby; was probably named tata; adopted from my grandma; still my favorite kitty; had a loud and deep meow; ran away
  • unnamed (m): ^ brother; quieter than his brother; likes to get in a lot of fights; short tail ✞
  • mimi (f): ^ sister; calico; adopted with another sibling; name derived from medium as what we called her before (she was and still remains our medium-sized cat); loves attention; spoiled by me; short tail ✞
  • unnamed (f): mimi's sister; closely identical to mimi if not for her long tail ✞
  • moomin (m): black tabby; got rescued with his sister by mama; i named him; likes to knead and sleep on the bed a lot
  • unnamed (f): moomin's sister; black and white; was really energetic; got sick ✞
  • unnamed (f): triplets; one was cali (calico cat with blue eyes), the other was orange (was nicknamed ed sheeran); were really playful but fearful at first; got sick ✞
  • monie (f): the only surviving one from the triplets; still has a cold; orange and white cat; small ever since ✞
  • muslim/messie (f): adopted from our neighbors; calico; a slut; had three kittens (✞); purrs loudly; attention-seeker
  • katie (f): black and white cat; also spoiled; fat belly folds; likes to be cuddled; named after her owner; got injuries ✞
  • yin (m): black and white with a prominent black spot on his face; muslim's 2nd gen(?) son; like his mother; curled tail; affectionate
  • yang (m): thinner than yin; has a long yet crooked tail; yin's brother (maybe twin); quiet/calm unless it comes to food; sickly but a survivor ✞
  • snow (m): orange tabby; mom says he has a breed; got adopted; quiet but a glutton; affectionate in his own ways ✞
  • snow (m): small white cat with distinct marks on tail and face; hyper; got adopted from a family friend at a young age that he was still nursing from fellow cats; was very spicy; loud as hell
  • tiger (m): orangeTM tabby; very orange; got picked up on a family trip and was easily comforted by food; had a brother; cuddly and playful
  • jiji (m): void cat; purrs a lot; clingy; tiny
  • cheese (f): tortoiseshell cat; a bit sassy
  • panda (f): black and white cat; has a hobby of standing on her hind legs, clingy, has a cold

ㅤㅤㅤ DOGS

  • sandra (f): tiger-like patterned fur; i remember her to be very active; had a lot of puppies ✞
  • seso (m): my baby; black with brown spots; the nicest, softest pup i've ever had, was named after me by my cousins, fluffy boy, got taken ✞
  • iggy/eggie/iggie (m): light brown with dark brown colors, quite stubborn, big, skinny, got him from our neighbors, followed us around until he was just a part of our family
  • choco (m): light brown, playful, slept with us on the bed a lot, we took him home, got sick ✞
  • sky (f): white with light brown spots, playful and fierce, very affectionate ✞
  • rusty (m): brown dog, has disability/cannot use his hind kegs well bc of an incident wgen he was very young, playful
  • whitey (m): small white dog, quiet but eats a lot
  • mochi (f): fluffy fat puppy, hyper, clingy, sassy towards strangers
jun 5 2022 ∞
aug 10 2024 +