- age ⇢ twenty
- bed size ⇢ comfortable enough
- chore i hate ⇢ laundry
- dogs ⇢ YES!!!
- essential to start a day ⇢ stretching at least, scrolling through twitter
- favorite color ⇢ blue
- gold or silver ⇢ silver
- height ⇢ 163 cm last time i checked
- instrument i play ⇢ guitar
- job title ⇢ none
- kids ⇢ hopefully not
- live ⇢ philippines rn ugh
- mother’s name ⇢ tmi
- nicknames ⇢ nic
- overnight hospital stays ⇢ when i had dengue
- pet peeves ⇢ people
- quote from a movie ⇢ ”never love a wild thing. [...] if you let yourself love a wild thing. you'll end up looking at the sky.” (ok i had to search for breakfast at tiffany's quotes for this one)
- right or left-handed ⇢ right
- siblings ⇢ little brother & sister
- time it takes me to get ready ⇢ depends but 1 hr at most, 15 mintues at the least
- ultimate vacation ⇢ europe
- vegetable i hate ⇢ beans
- what makes me run late ⇢ procrastination
- x-rays i’ve had ⇢ lungs
- yummy food that i make ⇢ um eggs? noodles AHA
- zoo animal ⇢ tiger
mar 27 2022 ∞
mar 1 2024 +