• Sun Salutations

- Standing - Incorporate a story, song or sayings, such as: I raise my arms high to the sky Swan dive low to my toes Step my feet back nice and slow I shake one leg, shake the other Downward dog, here I go Right leg forward to a lunge Arms go up, arms back down Step feet back into a plank “CHATURANGA”! Upward dog, howl to the moon Downward dog, other side Left leg forward to a lunge Arms go up, arms back down Step feet back into a plank “CHATURANGA”! Upward dog, howl to the moon Downward dog, be done soon I hop my feet to meet my hands Swan dive up Namaste

Bookmark & Share Breathing Practices

Deergha Swaasam – Deep 3 part breath


- Fully oxygenates the body - Calms body by engaging parasympathetic nervous system

How to use it

- Put one hand on stomach, other on chest - Inhale through nose, filling belly first like it is a balloon - Still inhaling, start filling up the ribs and chest - Finally, fill space by the collar bones with air - Exhale starting at the top and work your way down, deflating the stomach last - Repeat 3-5 times

  • *For younger children you can use “Elevator Breath”. It is the same, except children imagine an elevator going up and down.

Ujjai Pranayama – Ocean Breath


- Use during Asana for rhythm - Gain focus - Calm body - Center mind

How to use it

- Sit seat to feet, nice and tall - Inhale into stomach through nose - Exhale slowly through nose making the sound of the ocean (Imagine trying to fog a window) - Repeat 3-5 times

Nadi Suddhi – Alternate Nostril Breathing


- Helps open up sinuses - Helps rid body of toxins

How to do it

- Sit in lotus breathing normally through your nose - Close your right nostril with your finger, leaving the left one open - Inhale through the left - Briefly pause and close the left while opening the right - Exhale through the right - Stay this way and Inhale through the right - Pause, and alternate nostrils - Exhale through the left. - Repeat 8-10 times

  • *I find this one especially good if you are feeling a little stuffed up. Have a tissue ready for afterward!

Bunny Breath


- Energizes - Gain focus and awareness - Good breath for transitions or regrouping

How to do it

- Sit seat to feet, nice and tall - Inhale 3 quick breaths through the nose - Exhale 1 long breath through the mouth - Repeat 3-4 times

Simhasana - Lion’s Breath


- Good for bad breath or stuttering - Relieves tension - Releases negativity and frustration

How to do it

- Sit seat to feet, nice and tall - Inhale through nose, filling all available space (BIG breath) - Open your mouth, open eyes, extend tongue, and exhale slowly with a loud “Haaaaaa....”. - Repeat 3-4 times

  • *Remind students that this is a lion’s breath, not a roar.

Themed Breathing Practices

Dump Truck Breath


- Great visualization to dump out stress - Gives students an outlet for stress - Teaches concept of letting go

How to do it

- Sit seat to feet, nice and tall - Think a stressful thought - Inhale a deep, 3 part breath (Deerga Swaasam) - Open mouth and release air out forcefully through the mouth - Repeat 2-3 times - Follow with a brief calming breath

Volcano Breath


- Great visualization to send stress out with the eruption - Incorporates body movement - Releases tension

How to do it

- Stand in Mountain pose (Tadasana) - Hands start at heart center - Start to rumble at your feet and work your way upyour body, through legs, stomach, chest, head - With arms up, inhale through nose - Exhale through mouth with a “HAAA”, - As you “erupt”, spread your arms and legs out wide! - Repeat 3-4-times

High to the Sky


- Engages imagination - Energizes body - Brings awareness to the body

How to do it

- Sit seat to feet, nice and tall - Inhale 3 times to fill up the belly like a balloon - As your belly increases, start to float upward (stand on knees, arms above head) - As you exhale, slowly return back to the ground - Repeat 4-5 times

Sitali Breath – Cooling Breath


- Calms students - Lowers body temperature on hot days

How to do it

- Curl tongue into a U shape (If you can’t do this, a kissy face will work) - Inhale through your curled tongue - Exhale through nose - Repeat 4-5 times

  • Shooting Stars Breathing Exercise

Benefits: calms the body and mind, helps relieve stress, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, and mild depression

Begin by sitting in salutation seal Inhale as you bring your hands over your head Exhale as you slowly lower your hands to your sides, twinkling your fingers Repeat Tip: Help children connect with others, as they send friendly wishes to those around them. To encourage breathing have children whisper the word wish, as they lower their arms.

  • “The sun, the sun. I salute the sun. I open my heart to everyone. The sun rises, the sun sets. The whole world in my heart rests. Again I arise ready to live, happy to be and ready to give. The sun, the sun. I salute the sun. I open my heart to everyone.”

#Yoga “…yoga isn’t about touching your toes or achieving any other goal; it’s about learning to skillfully move your body through it’s appropriate range of motion. When you practice Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend), the aim is to fold forward from the hips so that you can stretch your hamstrings without straining your back. It doesn’t matter how close you get to the ground. What matters is that you learn to stabilize your legs and your spine while you bend forward.”

nov 23 2012 ∞
feb 14 2013 +