• Some say there are 108 feelings: 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present, and 36 related to the future.
  • I believe it is the act of practicing anything 108 times with focus and intention that makes this ritual powerful. It is just long enough that the mind can begin to get bored or restless and so the practice becomes a great metaphor for life and all the mundane tasks that we must repeat over and over; in the repetition we learn how to continually come back to our intention. As well the physicality of doing 108 Sun Salutations teaches you how to work smarter rather than harder if you are paying attention, which is another great lesson to imprint on body and mind as we head into the new year.All are welcome. You can do 1 Surya Namaskara or 108. Or just sit and breathe and enjoy the energy of the group.
  • he winter solstice is the shortest day and the longest night of the year and is a time to celebrate the truly important things in life such as your family & loved ones and the year ahead. It is also a time for celebration of the re-birth of the sun. To honour this turning point of the year where the sun grows stronger in the sky following the longest night The 108 Sun Salutations provide a time for flowing meditation and contemplation.
  • Come full circle with us and the energy of the earth. Celebrate the return of longer days. Salute the sun, the community and your own spirit with our specially led practice of 108 sun salutations.It doesn’t matter if you get close to 108, it’s the intention of your practice that matters.
dec 16 2013 ∞
dec 16 2013 +