• "The healing of my will begins with the acceptance of what I have internalized, denied, or disconnected from. Before I get to where I am going, I have to be okay with where I am. Even when life is uncomfortable, this is the starting point. " - Dr. Darren R. Weissman
  • "I do what I love, and I love what I do." - John F. Demartini
  • Learn that emotions are waves. The roll in.... they roll out. This is inevitable. An emotion cannot hold you permanently. Every individual wave of emotion is merely a temporary state. Your mind and body are constantly in motion and are, in fact, incapable of maintaining a permanent, singular state of being. We're dynamic by nature and time rolls on, utterly unstoppable."
  • "Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know." ~Pema Chodron
  • JUST ONE POSE: Any pose. But build it with intention and care. Don’t just slam your body into it: Breathe. Move slowly and consciously. Place your body in the form and continue to breathe. Feel your breath moving through you. Feel your body in space. Allow yourself to settle into the pose. Feel your strength and your capacity for softness. Consider even closing your eyes (which may challeng..ew

Z "When your mind is poised naturally between relaxation and alertness, its innate qualities spontaneously emerge." ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

  • Instead of twisting yourself into a pretzel to fit some box made of other people's opinions, focus on strengthening your worth by being your own best friend; let your thoughts, words, and actions (the way you talk TO yourself, the way you talk ABOUT yourself to others, and your lifestyle choices) reflect love, compassion, respect, and kindness from now on.
may 19 2013 ∞
jan 25 2014 +