• flames, hot, burningAgni (fire) is hot, sharp, subtle, fine, light, slightly sticky, and radiant in quality. Agni is found in the heat and energy of the body. Fire exists in all metabolic processes and chemical reactions. Fire is the transformational force; it promotes appetite, digestion and metabolism converting food to energy, creates thought processes and bodily impulses. Agni is also responsible for providing luster, radiance, and color for the body.

Fire relates to vision because of its qualities of heat, light, and color. The eye is the sense organ of sight. Agni’s ability to give direction and impulse relates it to the feet as it’s organ of action. Manipura chakra, the navel chakra corresponds with the fire element.

Read more: http://flowingfree.org/the-5-elements/#ixzz2nHF3atBI

dec 12 2013 ∞
dec 12 2013 +