• Yin yoga is a passive practice of yoga that deeply nourishes the connective tissues (joints, ligaments, fascia). Poses are held for several minutes to gently open the body and rehabilitate the tissues. In yin yoga, we are also stimulating the meridian channels of the body, rivers of energy (chi) that live within our facial network. This stimulation creates a balanced flow of chi that supports the body’s vibrancy and physiology as well as promotes mental and emotional balance & well-being.
  • *Beginner****teach the basic postures of yoga and an introduction to breath work and meditation. A comprehensive overview of the benefits of yoga postures is combined with detailed instruction on the standard postures that students will experience in class. A review of the class schedule and styles of yoga classes prepares students to feel comfortable in deciding which class will be right for them.

Yang~~Yang yoga is a term used to describe the more dynamic and active forms of yoga. Ashtanga yoga, Hatha yoga, and Vinyasa yoga are specific styles that could be included as a yang practice.

Yang yoga poses often emphasize strength and endurance, they are active, powerful, and generate heat in the body.An active practice (of varying styles) that emphasizes heat and strength in the body. • Since yang yoga incorporates many different styles, the classes will all be different. • Careful attention is placed on your breath to generate energy throughout the practice. • Physically, you will build strength and flexibility, endurance and improved energy levels.

sep 24 2015 ∞
sep 24 2015 +