• 1. Everything is connected.

Everything we do is part of a bigger life plan. We may not understand why we are going through a painful situation, but in the future the dots will always connect. It's important to keep your head up, try not to burn bridges, and to stay open to experiences.

  • Don't wait for tomorrow.

In the creative field, it's easy to procrastinate, especially when a deadline stretches out far into the future. Waiting to start anything can hurt your emotional health. We don't know how much time we have. Accomplishing as much as you can each day will help you not only reach your goals faster, but be more fulfilled and have more time to enjoy them as you reach them.

  • Find a hero.

Looking up to someone you admire is important. Having a mentor can help you get out of your own way. Whether you work with a career coach, a dream coach, a relationship coach, or you just follow and lean on a dear friend you admire, picking people who represent what you want in life can help you get to your bliss faster. It's important to surround yourself with people who call you a superstar.

  • Show, don't tell.

Actions will always speak louder than words. Don't tell people what you want to do, or what you stand for; show them by doing it.

  • Follow your bliss.

When you lead life from your heart, the universe will reward you in miraculous ways. Do what you love daily, and you'll never work a day in your life.

  • Don't take yourself too seriously.

When I was in advertising, there was a lot of ego, competition, and an “I'm better than you” mindset. That way of life felt stifling and people took themselves extremely seriously. I learned to let go of trying to make people like me, and started to laugh at myself and my silly ideas. My world became a more joyful place.

  • If YOU believe, you will achieve.

If you don't believe in yourself and your dreams, no one else will. Furthermore, you need to stop giving the energy you need to achieve your goals away by listening to everyone else’s opinions of you and your ideas. Trust yourself and your gut. It knows what you need.

dec 6 2013 ∞
dec 6 2013 +