• I don't like my food mixing or touching on the plate unless it was cooked that way. I prefer things to be separate, and I'll mix them if I choose to just before I take a bite.
  • I think bruises and scars are really cool because there's usually a good story associated with them.
  • My alcoholic drink of choice is tequila (with lemon and salt, there's really no other way) or vodka with some sort of citrus-based mixer.
  • When I read a book I usually put myself into the protagonists shoes.
  • I have bought a pair of Converse sneakers every year since I was almost 18. So far I've had pink and white stripes, red and white checks, magenta, pink and white polka dots and a red/orange/yellow ombre style.
  • I like making to do lists because I love that feeling of success when you check something off.
  • My iPhone's message tone is Rue's whistle from The Hunger Games.
  • I get nervous when I have to take off my ring - I got it for my 21st birthday from my mum and it is white-gold with diamonds and rubies with the word "breathe" inscribed along the inside of the band.
  • The first birth I witnessed was of a baby girl named Jessica. She was born via caesarean-section on April 28th, 2013 at 12.48pm.
  • I generally don't like orange vegetables (pumpkin, sweet potato and carrots). There are a few exceptions but it's usually when they're mixed into something else.
  • I have a thing for special memories and taking photographs. I think it's because I'm scared of forgetting, so I like to try extra-hard to take note of special moments and take photos whenever I can.
  • My weakness is buying books - I have a whole stack of unread books under my bed but that doesn't stop me from buying more. I can't help it!
  • Throughout my life I've wanted to be a number of things when I grew up. In chronological order they included: an artist, a doctor, a teacher, a paediatrician, a surgeon, an engineer, a lawyer, a paediatrician, a speech pathologist and a midwife. One thing that has never been unwavering is my desire to have children - my career goals have always been followed up with "and a mum".
  • I actually quite enjoy cleaning my room, and I love the finished product but can never manage to keep it that way.
  • My copy of "The Girl Most Likely" is signed by Rebecca Sparrow, and the inscription reads 'Dear Nikki. Lettuce Rocks! Rebecca Sparrow'. It's a long story.
  • For the longest time I have wanted a pair of red sparkly shoes so I can feel like Dorothy.
  • My mum has told me on a number of occasions that I should have been born a boy. I've been inclined to agree with her at times.
  • Before my baby brother was born I was extremely apprehensive. I didn't know what it would be like, I had no idea how to be a big sister and I was scared of how our relationship would develop. I laid eyes on him when he was 8 days old and I fell in love and haven't looked back.
  • I am undeniably an introvert. I enjoy spending time with my friends but am always happy to get home and unwind quietly with a book or my laptop. Alone time is what recharges me, what keeps me sane in a hectic life.
  • My favourite ice-cream flavour is rocky road, followed closely by chocolate chip cookie dough.
  • If a movie is coming out and is based on a book, I'll do everything in my power to read the book first.
  • The quickest way to calm me down, is to give me a baby to hold. There's something inside me that instantly slows down and starts to breathe properly, because you've got to focus solely on the baby. If there's no baby in sight, hug me - it's a good second option.
  • I didn't start drinking coffee until April, 2013. The first caffeinated drink I finished was a white chocolate mocha after only getting about two hours sleep and then having to drive home from the Sunshine Coast. It was delish, and magical, and I've been a little hooked ever since.
jun 27 2013 ∞
dec 26 2013 +