- hands off birth
- unmedicated
- nitrous oxide if natural approaches don't help
- showers, massage, heatpacks for pain relief
- no morphine or epidural
- limited medical interventions
- internal exams only when requested
- intermittent monitoring only
- hepatitis b vaccine and vitamin k injection asap
- physiological third stage
- no cord traction
- syntocinon or syntometrine only if PPH
- delayed cord clamping
- immediate skin-to-skin
- latched within 30 minutes
- only my SO as a support person
- no episiotomy
- no assisted rupture of membranes
- labour in water, standing, sitting or squatting
- birth in a squatting position or on all fours
- no formula, no sucrose, no pacifiers
- possible use of hypnobirthing tools
jul 22 2013 ∞
dec 26 2013 +