• "of course, we can stay there and fantasize as much as we want about how everything is gonna be different one day... but we live in today, and today sucks" - easy a
  • "we all help each other to stay strong. no one is strong alone" - room
  • "fear leads to anger. anger leads to hate. hate leads to suffering" - star wars, episode I: the phantom menace
  • "knowing yourself is important, but you must also know your enemy" - jojo's bizarre adventure, part 3: stardust crusaders
  • "if you don't have the ace of hearts, my dear... you are a goner!" - lee miller
  • "life is but a constant stream of embarrassments" - nier:automata
  • "we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars" - oscar wilde (but to be fair i learned this one through overwatch)
  • "happiness is a momentary concept, not a perpetual one" - oyasumi punpun
  • "when you consider someone your friend, you automatically consider someone else your enemy" - nier:automata
  • "what matters is 'the here and now'... right? living your life so your 'now' is a treasured, fun, wonderful experience... that's happiness" - jojo's bizarre adventure, part 8: jojolion
  • "no matter how twisted this world may be, i will walk the path i believe in!" - jojo’s bizarre adventure, part 5: vento aureo
  • "a future is not something given to you. it is something you must make for yourself" - nier:automata
nov 15 2015 ∞
jul 14 2019 +