why do you immediately make me so soft and emo you're such an angel aaaaaaah okay no crying mason. you're the softest person who everything about you just beams angelic vibes and it makes me so happy that someone like you exists on the same planet??? as me??? at the same time??? i am really blessed. i know that this year and before has given you rough times but i mean it in the deepest sense of the word when i say that all of us including me are here for you to listen and comfort you because you are so adored and you shouldn't be sad and dealing with whatever it is alone. write out when you're sad if we're busy and watch videos of doyoung laughing. i always wanted to be close with you bc sandy said you were such a precious bab but i got busy and i know that you're busy right now as well but never forget that i adore you and i am waving my tina banner whenever you need to remember one of your biggest fans. i hope you get to see doyoung and all of nct one day as well as all of us meeting. anyway, stay hydrated, rested and fed well!! i love you.

aug 26 2017 ∞
aug 27 2017 +