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  • age: 14
  • pronouns: they/them
  • personality: enfp

Felltox was found as a baby by goblins in Thavnair, and being raised by a gobbieflock from such a young age has led them to believe that they're a goblin too--just not on the outside. They talk only in gobbiespeak and never take off their mask except around their closest and most trusted friends.

Felltox's greatest goal in life is to be just as great an adventurer as their friends, but the longer they spend with the Warriors of Light, the more they've come to realize that might be out of their league. That's alright, though, because there's other things Felltox is good at, like fishing, and baking, and building things.

dec 18 2016 ∞
may 5 2018 +